
Standard Results (SR) - published by year

The Agricultural Accounting Data System (FADN), implemented by EU Member States, was established in 1965 and is based on the collection of production, economic and financial data from a sample of agricultural holdings, grouped according to economic size, type of agricultural production and regional affiliation. 

According to the EU methodology, based on data collected by the FADN survey, a number of indicators or (Standard results) were calculated. The aggregate of collected data are presented in a predefined form and include 9 thematic tables:

  1. Sample and population
  2. Structure and yield
  3. Production
  4. Costs
  5. Subsidies
  6. Investment subsidies
  7. Income
  8. Balance sheet
  9. Financial indicators

They are calculated as weighted averages and represent the entire population of commercial farms of EU Member States. Data from the 2003 Census of Agriculture, updated with data from the 2013 Farm Structure Survey and data from the Register of Agricultural Holdings, were used for weighting.

Since the data were collected on a representative sample of holdings, the data obtained can be considered relevant for application to the entire population of commercial farms. According to the Farm Structure Survey (FSS) conducted in 2017, the data used cover 90% of the utilized agricultural area; 92% of the value of agricultural production and 93% of the number of livestock units.

When interpreting the data, it is important to keep in mind that the FADN methodology takes into account a wide range of agricultural activities on the holding (agricultural production, processing of agricultural products, forestry, fisheries, agricultural services, rural tourism, etc.), but does not include industrial, commercial and non-agricultural activities (trade, etc.).

If, in exceptional cases, the number of holdings in a given group was less than five, data are not shown due to the protection of individual data.

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